ID : 13668

Online Tuition/Classes available


Type : Full Time
Date : 17/04/2021
Location : Dehradun

We are one of the Best Coaching Classes in India providing you with the best study materials, Videos, PDFs, Online Classes & Offline Classes.

 Special classes are provided for the CA Foundation & Inter IPCC students.

 Classes for 6th to 12th Std.

 We also help and guide you with your motivations and boost you towards your goals.

 We have 100 % pass result in recent years.

 Flat 20 % discounts on all subjects especially for Telegram subscribers.

Become Pro in Accountancy with Diksha Ma’am ?

Understand the Basic Assumptions that are followed in Accountancy (viz. G, C, A)

Get enrolled for one of the biggest Accounts Olympiad ever, on our official website.

Contact Diksha for more Information.

Mention when calling Hr/seller to get a good deal/Best Job.




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